Lady Ann’s Traveling Tea Set

Reels: Far From Home / Lady Ann Montgomery / The Cup of Tea

TrailJams Lady Ann's Traveling Tea Set (Reels): Far From Home / Lady Ann Montgomery / The Cup of Tea

The Tunes

For sheet music and other resources for learning a tune, click on the tune’s link.

Play-Along Tracks

Play from the Dots

Far From Home (G)
Lady Ann Montgomery(D)
The Cup of Tea (D)

Tips: Each change of tunes is signaled by four measures of clicks. Use the Playback Speed control to increase or decrease the playback tempo. (Click on the 3-dot symbol on the right-hand side of the the player to get to the Playback Speed control.)

Moderate tempo 85bpm, no repeats
Moderate tempo 85bpm, repeat each tune 3x